When does taking care of me turn into Selfishness?
Here has been a question weighing heavily on my mind as of late. Am I selfish? At what point does taking care of myself and my needs become selfish acts? I guess this was brought to mind because I was watching Teen Mom on Saturday, and it being a show about Teenagers, there are a lot of selfish acts going on. This caused me to turn inward and monitor my own life and my own actions. And ask that hard question: Am I selfish? ACT: I’m choosing to continue to do theater, act and direct, even though I have a baby now. SELFISH?: I love doing it even though it takes me away from Elianna. TRUTH: I still see her for at least 1-2 hours every day. There are the rare days that I don’t see her at all. But that is very rare. I feel bad, like I’m missing out on her life, and that she is missing spending time with her mom, but I feel like I need to be involved with theater or else I might explode. It keeps me happy and sane. So is it really that bad? ACT: Expecting dinner whe...