
Showing posts from August, 2009

Parenting Tip of the Day

When you go to a restaurant, you better have food for the baby. For the past 6 and ½ months I've enjoyed going out to restaurants with both the hubby and the baby and never having any issues. She would sit there play in her car seat and have a good old time. Now she has started sitting in a high chair which is wonderful, but don't be caught without food! This lesson was trying to be taught to us last night, but it really sunk in today. Last night we ventured to Fuddruckers for a wonderful early b-day dinner and my free b-day burger. I came armed with a jar of pears. Little did I know I wouldn't get to eat! We couldn't get the pears into her mouth fast enough. We supplemented with some potatoes, but as it turned out we had to alternate burger eating to keep the little one contented. Lesson not fully learned there: The baby wins. If you are out, she comes first. So this afternoon we went to Qdoba for my free b-day burrito (life is so good). We fed the baby right before ...

The Write Stuff

Writing use to be my thing. I loved it. I never thought I was any good at it, so I decided not to make a career out of it. I use to write all the time; especially back when I didn't have a computer. I found it calming, soothing, relaxing, wonderful. Then life happened. I went off to school got busy got married had a job so the writing slowly went by the wayside. And that was just fine. I had other outlets. I still did write. I wrote reviews, I wrote plays, and I got a few pages into my 'great American Novel.' I got to the point where unless I could sit down and finish something in one sitting, I wasn't interested in doing it. Again that is how I always wrote. But when I couldn't find the time to write, I stopped. It has taken me a few years to realize that a blog would be a perfect forum, and I missed it. When this year started I resolved to make a blog. I did that, but I haven't posted much. It's been hard to find time to write. I would just much rather spe...