
Damon's Grill, Less Fun Than Advertised

Tonight's dinner adventure started out on a bright note. The parents asked if we wanted to go to Damon's in Monroeville for dinner to use up our Christmas Gifts from my sister. We said sure. So we arrive around 6:30pm and to our delight Wed. kids eat FREE!!! SCORE!!! Elianna can get her own food, mamma doesn't have to share :)!! I had a certificate from and 2 $10 gift cards (I guess they weren't real gift cards, but my sister said they were, they were little cards that said $10 at Damon's on them, so I'm not sure what else it would have been). We were told we wasn't allowed to use them together by the server. Which was insane. Both had been paid for and Damon's already received their money, but we couldn't use both. Whatever, I was too busy trying to remember my log in for the trivia game (which is the only reason I go there) to raise a stink. My Dad orders Prime Rib...but oh wait, they don't have Prime Rib today, because they only...

When does taking care of me turn into Selfishness?

Here has been a question weighing heavily on my mind as of late. Am I selfish? At what point does taking care of myself and my needs become selfish acts? I guess this was brought to mind because I was watching Teen Mom on Saturday, and it being a show about Teenagers, there are a lot of selfish acts going on. This caused me to turn inward and monitor my own life and my own actions. And ask that hard question: Am I selfish? ACT: I’m choosing to continue to do theater, act and direct, even though I have a baby now. SELFISH?: I love doing it even though it takes me away from Elianna. TRUTH: I still see her for at least 1-2 hours every day. There are the rare days that I don’t see her at all. But that is very rare. I feel bad, like I’m missing out on her life, and that she is missing spending time with her mom, but I feel like I need to be involved with theater or else I might explode. It keeps me happy and sane. So is it really that bad? ACT: Expecting dinner whe...

The End of a Year

Today my little girl turns one. We have been together for 365 days. She has taught me more about life, love, and happiness in one year than I have ever learned in the 30 years I've been on earth. Elianna is the greatest gift I've ever gotten. I am excited about what the future will bring for us, but I am also sad that I will never get that first year back. I just only hope that the bonds we formed during her first year of life will last a lifetime. I've heard from others, for years that time goes by too quickly, I don't know if I've ever agreed with them before today. Elianna's first year was the fastest year of my life, I don't expect life to slow down, but I do hope that I will make the best of it and make it a fun ride, not only for Elianna but for the whole family. But if it could slow down, I would be grateful. Today I rejoice in the wonderfulness that is Elianna's first birthday and celebrate her first year of life, and pray for many, many, many, m...

Photo Update

I've not been slacking in my Project 365 photo taking, just simply slacking in uploading. I have no real excuse. I've just been lazy. I wish I had done something of interest in the past 5 days, but sadly that isn't the case. Two items to report: 1) My eye twitching stopped and 2) I did get a new cell phone :), but I am waiting for it be shipped :(. It's nothing exciting, not a 3 g, but hopefully I will be able to hear, unlike my current phone. Which by the way Samsung told me they could fix for $75...which my new phone was cheaper than... Anyway here our my photos. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 13, 2010 Sarah Borges and the Broken Singles , They Rock! THURSDAY JANUARY 14, 2010 Cat naps FRIDAY JANUARY 15, 2010 The young amateur dentist hard at work SATURDAY JANUARY 16, 2010 "Greetings, welcome to my dinner!" SUNDAY JANUARY 17, 2010 The January Thaw!


So as I mentioned in the last post, now is the time I talk about my eye twitch. My left eye has been twitching for a week. Now it's only off and on, it's not constant. If it was, I would have had to end it all days ago. It is the weirdest thing. I mean, I have had eye twitches before, but they always came and went. It's never been a full week. I have no idea what is wrong, but I can tell you it's very annoying. Just when I start thinking it's gone for good...BAM! The twitching starts. I did a WebMD search and you can't find eye twitching or eye spasm in the list of symptoms, so I think I am going to live. But I do wish it would stop. Doing a non scientific poll of the folks I know, stress is considered to be the main cause. But I will tell you I am not under any more stress than usual. So I am not sure that is the cause. If anyone out there has any remedies, I would love to hear them. I am on the verge of desperation. I just simply hope they will end soon. Oh, ...

more photos

SATURDAY... Started out normal enough, until I got a migraine and the little one started cutting teeth. That made for an interesting morning/afternoon. By late evening we were both feeling a bit better. But I did manage to get this great photo for my 365 project. My little 2 fisted drinker. :) Sunday... Was super busy, Church followed by shopping followed by rehearsal followed by be wanting to fall over. Little Elianna was able to catch my mood just right. That is why this post is so short. Tomorrow I hope to post the wonderful news about my never ending eye twitch. Stay tuned!

New Year, New ?

Things I learned in 2009: I can't keep a resolution . I pretty much failed at all of them, especially the writing more. I will now take a page from Thomas Edison and not look at is as failure, but simply a life lesson. Lesson being: I don't do well with resolutions. This year I am going back to basics. I will focus on the simple things in life-family, friends, theater :) and myself. No resolutions, no weird goals, just more of what I love. No one is perfect, and now I will relish my imperfections and not look back. Would I like to have had a blog post for every day of Elianna's first year, yes, can I fix that now? NO! So I will sum up her first year with one word: AMAZING!! I have no idea what I did with my life before she came along, nor can I imagine a day without her. She has gone from a small immobile sleeper to a rollover wonder, to a crazy crawler, to an almost toddler now who pulls herself and is trying to learn how to walk. She still doesn't have any teeth, bu...